Soccer (M): Gabriel Bencosme
#20 Pos.: M/F Ht.: 5-7 Wt.: 140 Hometown: Santo Domingo, D.R. Previous School: Wasatch Academy Eligibility: Fr. Major: Sport Business
CAREERBencosme was named team MVP during his first three years at The Community for Learning HS and team MVP during his lone year at Wasatch Academy...He has scored 61 goals during that period…Was selected as a National District member for the 2007-2008 National Games.
PERSONALBorn April 17 in Santo Domingo, D.R.…Sport Business major…His hobbies include wakeboarding, music, and playing soccer…His career goals are to play professional soccer and to one day work in the sport business world…Believes his best assets to the team are his dedication, vision and selflessness…Names Raul Gonzalez his favorite athlete and Real Madrid his favorite team…He chose Saint Leo because it offered chances for success on the playing field and in the classroom. Also, the small school setting made him feel at home…Son of Gabriel Bencomse and Rosa V. Garcia…Has one brother, Emilio.
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