By Dana Sukontarak
Special to La Voz
In 1994, a four-year-old Gonzalo Frechilla had no idea that he would transform his love of playing soccer into a way of life 15 years later.
Frechilla, now 19, is an attacking midfielder on the University of Maryland’s soccer team. He also plays on occasion as wide midfielder and forwards.
His passion for soccer was developed throughout his youth, as he played the sport for youth national teams in his native Domini can Republic, and later Argentina.
“When I was little, I used to play a lot of sports: basketball, tennis, golf, motorcross, any sport seemed fun to me,” Frechilla said. “As I grew up, I slowly left all these sports be hind and concentrated on soccer.”
That concentration proved to be of great ben efit to Frechilla, who is currently a freshman. His lifelong dream of becoming a professional soccer player seems to be gradually coming to fruition.
“My experience on the soccer team has been great so far,” Frechilla said. “We are a very close team with a lot of talent. We all have the same goals and ambitions in life, and we will work together to win a national championship soon.”
Frechilla adamantly persists that he wants to win the national championship “at least once in [his] college career.” He stresses the impor tance of giving his all to help his team accom plish what they set out to do – and that is to win.
He is not seeking success for his sake, but also for his fans’.
“I believe we have talent to be the best team in the country,” Frechilla said. “I hope we can give our fans the pleasure of seeing us winning. They deserve it.”
Frechilla is currently undecided on a major, but is interested in the Smith School of Busi ness.
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